Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11th 2011

*** Me and Lotta ***

her color is light beige and she has black and
white hair.  And she weighs  about 450 kilograms. that is almost 990 lbs.  this is bigger then any human and she can run
faster then a human.
*** Horses are friendly ***

horses are much stronger and bigger than human adult but they are friendly.  Very friendly.
*** Not afraid of horses ***

well no they are not scary because there
harmless just like cows the horse have  almost have of teeth its almost like a
humans teeth
*** Not afraid of cows ***

I am not afraid of cows because there harmless because they will not hurt
They produce a lot of milk every day
They are young cows because there not
Adult yet.
*** I started reading a book about Walt Disney ***

I saw many movies of Disney. And I am curious about him.  So I start reading his
Biography.  I will let you know what he is
After I finish the book.
Who was Charlie Chaplin?

The same time the Disney was famous, and
Charlie Chaplin was making many poplar
Movies. And he was almost interesting

We were tired today from all actions from previous days.  We went to ride bikes so long long until the road ends yesterday.  We saw many cows and horses all over.  Bunch of bugs hit my face while I was riding my bike. 

So I wanted read books.  I also started reading Cars Two.

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